"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
I liked this quote, and thought it Perfectly described these two Besties:) Literally because I forget words all the time:) and a little deeper then that too. Sometimes I feel like I can't remember what I was like before the kids and Husband, and House duties and bills.... and you know the rest:) I literally feel like it was a different person living a life on another planet. So going to spend some "selfish" Girl Time was a breath of fresh air! I recommend it to every mommy out there:) It was so nice to just hang, and talk, and get in touch with that other Human I used to be:) Even though the stuff we talk about now is entirely different then the stuff we talked about back then, But that's what makes best Friends so AmaZInG! We can Relate and sympathize and Analyze, no matter What stages we are at in Life...
So thanks Girls for making our little 3 day Vacay Happen! I am truly Blessed to have you guys in my life. I love you with all my heart, and am so glad that you two can remind me of the girl I used to be, and help me with the Girl/mommy/wife that I am now.
Have a Lovely Weekend.
11 hours ago
Viva viva viva viva viva viva viva. I love you so much! Thanks for being my best of bests!
What a perfect little getaway! Yes I agree that all us mothers need those every once in awhile!! See ya at Zumba tonight??
Some serious hot bods in the bikini's! You gals are so cute!!!
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