5 MoNtHs! I absolutely love this age... (but i always say that at every stage). Jett is so much fun right now. He smiles when I walk in the room. He plays with toys. He rolls over. He loves to be entertained by his big brother:) He blows bubbles and makes the cutest cooing sounds. He is really ticklish, and giggles so hard when you squeeze his legs. He is constantly hungry.... and I mean CoNStAnTly!! Must be a growth spurt! He loves to snuggle. He loves his daddy to tease him. He is close to being able to sit up. HE LOVES rice cereal. Which is funny because Hud hated it! He still doesn't sleep all the way thru the night. I don't know what it is with all you mom's that are like " my two month old sleeps 12 hours a night" blah blah blah is what i say to you! How would it be to sleep thru the night!! I cannot remember! But Overall He is an Angel. The spirit he brings to our Family is soooo Sweet!! We love you Jett Bug!
Four Fun Things
7 hours ago